Friday, January 23, 2015


It doesn't count well for any of us when that happens. But far greater implications arise from how we handle our various episodes of getting caught. Do you stick with the original lie? Do you confess and seek forgiveness? Do you spin an even-greater lie that confounds even the wisest? I usually stick with number one and here's why

Some advisers claim that the best protocol when caught in a lie is to own up immediately. I do not agree with that line of thinking. If you apologise and seek forgiveness, no one will forgive you. People aren't that forgiving these days. You will end up embarrassing and disgracing yourself, your family, all those who are associated with you, and all those you care about. And that is just so wrong so piss on that thought. It's a hopeless road to go down.

For information, I would like to clarify a few facts before we proceed. I have never been caught in a lie. I don't honestly think I have or have any such memories. The reason isn't because I'm so perfect that I d not lie, but that I'm generally such a good liar that whenever I choose to lie, I choose carefully and intelligently and I never tell stupid lies. I'm that good. And if someday in the future, it happens that I am caught in a lie, I will not act like Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinsky where he lied at first and then tried to reverse himself a little later. It's disgraceful to be that guy. Don't mind Nigerian politicians who have no shame. I'm a very good bad guy, but they're a much worse breed. Does anyone remember Jordan Jacobson with the swollen hands?

More lies are inevitable when you're struggling not to admit a first lie, but be careful with those. That's a sure path to getting caught. If your original lie was well-planned in the first place, coming up with additional information that forms a cohesive whole when added with the earlier lie and to facts confirmed as true should not be very hard.

As my final thoughts, I would like to say a few helpful words for learners. Are you a learner?

1. Lying isn't so horrible. Don't let the guilt get to you. A lot of lies are both necessary and inevitable.

2. Use a lot of truth in your lies, but carefully select truths that mislead the listener and causes him to believe lies you have not explicitly told.

3. Fully understand the subject and object of your lie before you begin, and keep your facts clearly outlined both as it affects these two and other subjects or objects that may become interested or relevant in the future.

4. Don't be caught off-guard, always be prepared and permanently thinking in the loop of your lies. If you can manipulate your assailants, you will always win. Lying is about manipulating facts and people.

5.  When faced with a persistent assailant, use distraction. Give them something seemingly valuable to occupy themselves with. A conspiracy theory is not good here, but a false confession might do the trick.

If you encounter difficulties, I'll be here to help out however I can. If you have more tips and tricks, do graciously share them with me and other readers. Everybody lies, so no one needs to play saint here.

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